Monday, May 23, 2016

Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Demon-Dex

Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Demon-Dex
A collection of all of the demons in Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, as well as their resistances to the elements and ailments and their affinities with moves of each element.
There are two sets of information, one for the resistances and one for the affinities. Hit the "Switch search type" to toggle between the two.

"Display all information" will bring out the entire chart.
To fit Blogger's structure, I have shrunk the width of the chart, so you will have to scroll with your keyboard to see the rest on the right.

At the bottom, you can search for demons with specific stats. You can also add more search conditions. Other than the simple list of results, if you have already brought up the entire data chart, the demons found will also be highlighted there. This translates to the other chart too. So if you have bought up both charts and search for demons, those demons will be highlighted on both charts.

I believe I have the correct information, but feel free to point out any mistakes. Especially the Famed, since I couldn't check their original stats.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Game Update: Monster Hunter X, Megami Tensei IV Final

Just a random update on the games I'm currently playing.

For Monster Hunter X,
Finally finished getting all of the titles you get for defeating a monster a certain amount of times. You know, the "Defeated 20..." "Defeated 30..." types.
This is my current "Weapon Usage" data. Finally got past the 100 mark for Hammer.

And in Megami Tensei IV: Final, I am currently working on getting my entire party to Lv999.
A long and fairly dull process, though it is all for my waifus. (And a dog and a skeleton, but don't mind them too much)