Friday, April 24, 2020

New Game!

This should bide me until Xenoblade.
I did play the trial version, so I am continuing off of it.

I actually intended to get the physical, English version, but Gamestops nearby apparently didn't have this game in-stock.
So... Yeah, thanks, Gamestop. You are truly useful.

Also, unrelated, but I did beat the Ice Dragon/Ruler in Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 before Trials of Mana came out.
So I guess I can say that I tried post-game, at least?
And... He didn't drop any item, even though he could drop three types. Nice.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2: Finished + Thoughts!

 I bought the game quite a while back when it was being sold at a good discount, but I only finally got around to it. I think it did a good job to get me through the waiting for Trials of Mana and Xenoblade.
This was when I bought it, BTW.

And yes, this game has not been localized. Only the first one has.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Stella Glow - Translated Anastasia Ending

Yeah... Color me as surprised as you. I only just discovered this.
So it seems that there was originally an Anastasia ED in the game, but it was never used. When the Spanish community was creating a translation patch for the game, it was discovered. And the datamined conversation was revealed in late 2018.

I got this information from here.
There is also a video where the game was hacked to forcibly replay the ED (in Spanish), but the video is unlisted for some reason, so I'm not going to link to it.
Also, as you may expect, as this is an unused ED, there is no CG.

I'm not going to waste time saying too much, but you know the usuals about fan-translation. As long as you get the idea of what is going on.
I have never played the localized version, so if there are some special speech patterns or ways a character calls another, I probably didn't catch those parts.
Also, I wasn't really sure how to translate my-pace, which is a Japanese English phrase, so I left it as that.