Saturday, February 8, 2025

Shining Resonance: Refrain Finished!

 Yeah, I know, I know. Dang, I was gone for a long time.

There just haven't been many interesting games to play, as Nintendo is saving up for the Switch 2 launch. And if Nintendo doesn't do anything, CS games are like dead fish on land. But I blame third parties for wasting years on gacha games and AAA games, also known as the genius "Spend more time to make them, but sell less" strategy

So anyways, finally beat the game. I realized that I totally would not have the time to play this once Xenoblade X comes out, so I finally got myself to play the game.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Yup, Still Alive

You might be like, will what the heck have you been doing? Okay, I've been focusing on Splatoon 3's Salmon Run because gosh that is so much fun. I've also been getting back at playing Eroge because eroges are awesome and are way better than gacha games and you can play whenever you want.

I even used Tenso to get the package version of Geminism!

Also I am trying to beat Shining Resonance (Switch), but the game is pretty bad and it is a pain to play, so I'm getting through really slowly. Yeah, it's bad. There isn't even a map.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Pokemon Crystal: Complete!

Phew, there goes one of the games I bought doing the ending of the 3DS EShop (though Pokemon Crystal wasn't discounted)

It definitely was refreshing to play an older game, but you can really feel the lack of flexibility in the movesets and all. No TM and Move-tutor-only Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and evolution stones are not generally available until after you beat the Elite Four, so my Magneton was stuck using Thundershock for so long.

Anyways, continued after the Read More

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Still Alive and Recently Playing

 Dang, it's already been half a year since my last post? I swear, once you reach a certain age, time just flies by...

A few more images than usual, so gonna add a jump break and put this on a separate page.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Pokemon Violet: Completed and Thoughts!

 Of course, this is Pokemon, so there isn't really an "end", with all the Pokemon catching and raising and all. But I've completed the story and caught the legendaries and I've seen the substories as well, so I just wanted to give my thoughts on the game.

Honestly not too sure what type of screenshot to use, since I missed the opportunity to take a picture of the ending credits, so I'm gonna leave it imageless this time.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Currently in Middle of Playing Pokemon Violet!

It's been 3 months since my last post, so I just wanted to note I am currently playing the new Pokemon. Haven't finished the story yet, since I also enjoy watching other people play and stuff, but I think I have my final party ready. Golduck just because he is the only Shiny I have found so far.

Also, man, I got the pantyhose but really wish there were cuter options for the rest. It's obvious from the other characters in the game that not wearing the default school uniform is allowed.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Xenoblade 3: Finished and Thoughts

Phew, it took 90 hours (obviously did a lot of exploring and side quests, though not all of them), but I finally finished the story for Xenoblade 3. So yeah, a got a lot to say about what I thought about the game.

Before I get started, I just want to warn that I am gonna be fairly negative. But wait, wait. Don't do the whole "Ohhh, you're a hater, so nothing you say counts" crap. You know how much I looked forward to Xenoblade 3, and unlike most of you, I have even played Xenoblade X.

And of course, plenty of spoilers. Not gonna shy on that.