And that is that! Finally completed the dictionary, meaning clearing the game.
Of course, there are other stuff that can be done such as trying all of the classes I didn't use, but you get the idea. And I need to try and at least finish Xenoblade Torna before Smash Bros.
Final thoughts below, though I guess there are a few story spoilers?
Before getting into detail, I guess I can go ahead and say that if you like Etrian Odyssey, you should buy it. It won't disappoint.
Of course, you might think I would say that about all Etrian Odyssey games, but I actually wouldn't say this about the Mystery Dungeon ones...
Without a doubt, this is the biggest game so far, with 14 main dungeons and 10 mini-dungeons.
As you can see below, it took me around 100 hours to complete. I kinda fell asleep grinding a couple of times, so you can subtract about 10 hours from the image below.
Oh, and here is my Guild Card + Character
I would also say that it did great for one of those all-star games. It tries to give fair representation from all games (unlike certain "all-star games" out there) and tries to pay homage to them through music and dungeon.
For instance, depending on the dungeon, the battle BGMs actually change. Etrian 1 dungeon plays Etrian 1 music. And so on.
Of course, there are original, new music for the few original dungeons in the game.
You might say that they are "lazy" for re-using music, but let's be realistic. There is no way they could have re-arranged so many tracks. And if it allows them to switch music every dungeon and boss, then it is a good decision.
Also, this is an all-star game, so don't try criticizing that they used the same gimmicks in dungeons that are supposed to be from previous games.
Also, the only thing that is really re-used are the BGMs. All monsters and classes have been re-done and re-balanced. Even the Etrian 5 classes have been changed quite a bit, so you can't go into the game expecting to be able to do the same thing as previous games. It especially felt to me that a lot of one-focus classes have become slightly rounder in what they can do.
As for the story, I still like Etrian 4's the most. I don't think this game's story is that bad, but the only thing I can really compliment is how much NPC interaction you have inside the dungeons, with many chances of getting to explore with them. Unfortunately, most of the time, they won't actually join your party to fight. They just do stuff on the map and make occasional comments.
As for bugs/glitches, there are not really that many noticeable ones. Like I previously mentioned before, the only one that is really significant is the Princess/Prince, where data for Prevent Order and Dauntless Order seem to have been switched around. Prevent Order doesn't activate 100% of the time no matter how high the level the skill is, and Dauntless Order activates 100% at Level 1.
However, I do have a few small complaints.
1. There is a lack of normal "mature" female voices. This clearly may change in the localization, but I couldn't really find a just normal female voice. All of them were... gimmicky-ish. The younger female voices were more satisfactory though.
2. You get new quests after reaching each new floor of each new dungeon. But you have a whopping 14 dungeons. So that means you get a lot of quests. However, due to having to make so many quests, it felt like a lot of the quests were just simple "collect this material" types that were easy and mundane. Of course, you can still enjoy the story involved in the quest though.
Oh, and in general, it felt like there were very few missions.
3. The new town NPCs are kinda meh-ish.
I would say that without a doubt, Napier benefited the most from this game, but she's actually an Etrian 3 NPC. She gets a new artwork, great voice, great lines, and facial expressions. As someone who liked her from the previous game, I give two thumbs-up for what they did for her in this one.
However, as for the new town NPC...
The bartender laughs too much and is too loud, and he's kinda psycho, such as punching people or brandishing knives as... a joke... probably on eating someone.
The innskeeper just... sleeps.
And the princess spends half of her time away from the Mission Central for various story-reasons. It is a shame she had so little screentime.
Of course, like I said, the dungeon NPC were pretty good though.
And that is about it, I guess. I can't really think of anything else to say right now.
Anyways, great game, so go buy it when it comes out.
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