Monday, August 27, 2018

Total Monster Hunter Playing Time!

In celebration(?) of the localized release of Monster Hunter XX, also now known as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, I wanted to look back a little bit at how much I played that game.
Because it is a fun game, I'm actually kinda musing whether to buy the localized version and just play it all over again, Solo.
But I'm kinda busy with other games, so I probably should not...

Oh, and I stopped playing the game when Monster Hunter World came out, because I usually played multiplayer with a group of people on a Japanese board, but I felt that they would become too busy with that game to come over. They were good people. One of them was particularly good and influenced me into getting into the Brave Longsword.
And no, I do not play World. I usually ignore any game that isn't on a Nintendo console.

So in Monster Hunter Cross, I did 1000 hours. And did another 600 in XX.

BTW, this was my weapon usage at the time of quitting the game.

Oh, and extra stuff, but this was my play time in Monster Hunter 4 and 4G.
2500 hours in 4.
Another 1500 hours in 4G.

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